Pet Urgent/ Emergency Care

Pet emergencies can happen unexpectedly, and knowing when to seek urgent veterinary care may be crucial for your pet's health and well-being. While some situations may be able to wait for an appointment, others may need to be handled by a veterinarian with urgent care capabilities and knowing where to find reliable after-hours care can make all the difference in a critical situation. If you are looking for urgent pet care for your pet, we at The Melrose Vet, serving West Hollywood, CA, and Los Angeles, CA, are here to help.

pet emergency

Signs Your Pet Needs Emergency Veterinary Care

It's important to be able to recognize the signs of a pet emergency, such as:

●             Difficulty breathing

●             Severe bleeding

●             Unconsciousness

●             Seizures

●             Sudden collapse

●             Toxic ingestion

●             Hit by a car

●             Bloat (gastric dilatation-volvulus)

●             Eye injuries

●             Severe vomiting or diarrhea

●             Inability to urinate or defecate

If your pet exhibits some of these signs, it may be vital to seek immediate veterinary attention.

The Melrose Vet: Your Partner in Pet Urgent Care

We at The Melrose Vet in West Hollywood is a trusted provider of urgent care services for pets in Los Angeles, CA. We understand that pet emergencies can be stressful, and we are dedicated to providing compassionate and expert care for your furry family members. Our team is available to assess your pet's condition and provide the necessary treatment promptly. We are also the only urgent care in the area, with no other clinics open within a 5-mile radius.

Don’t put your pet’s health in danger when we are here to help him get the care he needs. Contact our veterinary team for more information from our pet care team.

Get Pet Urgent Care and Emergency after Hours Care from a Veterinarian Near You

When it comes to your pet's health, time is of the essence. If your pet is experiencing an emergency or requires urgent care, don't hesitate to contact us at The Melrose Vet, serving West Hollywood, CA, and Los Angeles, CA. Our team is here to provide the best possible care for your pet and help him get back on his paws as quickly as possible. Call us at (323) 310-5555 for pet urgent care and emergency after hours care from a veterinarian near you.

The Melrose Vet


8304 Melrose Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90069